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"Shankless" Showmanship

Today I practiced showmanship with Gus. He is so easy to maneuver, he doesn't require much handling and you can leave a lot of slack of...

Another Great Ride With Gus

I rode Gus today. I lunged him first and then got on him and did his warm ups. We worked on a horsemanship pattern from my past state...

The First Ride At Home

Today I rode Gus, I started out with lunging him. He was very playful when I lunged him, so I lunged him a little bit longer than usual....

Gus Gets The Day Off

I gave Gus the day to get used to his surroundings and his new home, I plan to ride him tomorrow.

Gus's New Home

Today we brought Gus home. He is visiting with the other horses and doing fine. We fixed up his stall with a kick board, shavings, and a...

Gus Is Working Hard

Today I started Gus out by lunging him, then I got on him and did his warm-ups: flexing, hip-overs, leg yields and walking/trotting...

Gus Gets A Day Off

We gave Gus a day of rest and I got a day off too. But on Monday we plan to ride again.

Three Words: Flying Lead Changes

Can you believe it!? Day 5 and already doing flying lead changes with Gus! Today I rode Gus after lunging him, I did all our usual...

Day Four With The Big Bay Horse

I lunged Gus before I rode, then I got on him and did his warm-ups. We performed some horsemanship and loped again today. We also rode...

Second Day To Ride, Third Day With Gus

Today I rode Gus and he was really good. We started off by doing some warm ups: flexing, hip-overs, leg yields, and walking/trotting...

The Second Day With Gus

Yesterday it rained really hard and so today we weren't able to do very much with Gus because Janie's arena and round pen were to wet. So...

Gus Eats More Ultium

We also upped his feed a little more and he is continuing to be fed Ultium. He has gained more weight since we have begun to feed him...

The First Time Riding Gus

Today we took Gus to my trainer, Janie. First, we began by lunging him to see how he moves, what he does, and what he knows. He was...

The Plans Are In Motion...

My trainer, Janie and I have been able to talk and we have scheduled to bring Gus to her on October 31st Tuesday. We plan to lunge him,...

Starting Gus on Ultium

Today we took Gus some Ultium feed and the family of Gus will be giving him about a cup to start out with. I also was able to take some...

Plans For Gus

Today I heard back from my trainer, Janie, and we will try to plan to evaluate and ride Gus for the first time around October 29th.  I...

Gus's Vet Check

I was able to take Gus to our veterinarian Dr. Welch out of La Grange, TX. Dr. Welch did multiple tests on Gus to see if he could spot...

July 2017

This July, I was offered an opportunity with this horse Gus. He hasn't been ridden in 5-6 years, due to an incident in 2011 when he...

Gus Is Officially Mine

I haven't been posting in a while, but I am still making a lot of progress with Gus. We have been working on Trail, Horsemanship,...

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