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About Me

I am Faith, I have grown up with horses from a very young age. I have two horses of my own that I care for, ride, and show. Other than Gus, I also have a sorrel, quarter horse gelding, named Kite. I have shown in many disciplines from western, english, stock horse, and halter. My horses always help me strive to be the very best I can be as a rider.

I have not only shown horses. I have also judged on a horse judging team from 2013-2017. My team qualified for the 2015 Western Nationals, 2016 AQHYA World, 2017 AQHYA World, and the 2017 All-American Quarter Horse Congress. I also competed on an IEA Western Equestrian Team called the "Sassy Senoritas" in Horsemanship from 2015-2017. 


I am currently attending Schreiner University, where I have the privelege of being a member of the Equestrian Team. 

My First Horse

At the age of eight, my grandparents bought me my very horse. Aggie, was a paint mare, and I started showing her around the age of nine. I showed her in halter, showmanship, western pleasure, horsemanship, and trail. In 2013, I decided to start showing and focusing on my other horse, Kite. Aggie also began to refuse to work for me, so I decided we would give her some time from showing. In March of 2016, we were finally able to take her to my trainer Janie, where we were able to ride all of her kinks out of her. After riding at Janie's, I continued to ride and practice with Aggie, to try to achieve my goal of returning to my district show to show her again.


At my district show in June of 2016, I achieved my goal with Aggie, she placed 4th in showmanship, 2nd in western pleasure, 2nd in horsemanship, and 3rd in halter mares. At the end of the day, we were co-reserve judged horseman. In July at my state 4-H show, I was able to show her in all the same events and I was proud that I followed my goals and I was able to reach them with her. Aggie has taught me so much about showing; to be patient and to always work your hardest and to never give up on your goals. I had to sell Aggie because we couldn't have her and Gus, but I will always remember her and what she has taught me throughout the years. She was a fun horse and I knew she would always be there for me. I will always be so thankful that my grandparents were able to buy her for me and give me this opportunity with her.



I started showing and riding Kite in 2014. Kite is a very sweet and personable horse, and he loves attention. He can be very lazy at times and can make riding him somewhat difficult. I began learning to ride him with my trainer Janie, who taught me many training techniques to use on him. The first time I showed him was at a small show in Magnolia, TX where we showed in showmanship, halter, and the walk trot classes. Kite and I have showed in many different disciplines such as Stock Horse, Western, and English. When I first showed Kite at the lope, we entered in the western pleasure class at my district show in 2014, where we realized he is way too fast to be a western pleasure horse! Until recently, I had shown Kite in the stock horse division, where we soon realized that it was not for him. About three years ago, I learned how to ride English and I have ridden Kite in the English classes and he is really great at it. 


Showing Kite has been such an experience, he and I have grown together and we mostly succeed in the showmanship. He is a great horse, he can teach you many things as he requires a lot of practice/experience since he is a a lot of horse to keep control of. He has always been there for me and loves to be shown. I couldn't imagine having any other horse like him, he is truly special. 

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